GE unveils solution platforms to boost gas turbine assets
GE unveils solution platforms to boost gas turbine assets
Here's how FlexEfficiency, LifeMax tap into a 3-way collaboration.
NextFuels to boost Southeast Asia's biofuels industry
Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore to be considered for its pilot plant.
KS Energy eyes JV with Empresas ICA for its Mexican foray
Will initially require two jack-up rigs worth USD240m each.
Sapphire Corporation appoints Teh Wing Kwan as group CEO
SGX Mainboard listed Sapphire Corporation Limited, announced today the re-constitution of Board of Directors and Committees and the appointment of Group CEO.
Daisuke Ono steps down as non-executive director of Fischer Tech
In a release, the Board of Directors of Fischer Tech Ltd announced that Mr Daisuke Ono, a Non-Executive Director, has stepped down as a Non-Executive Director of the Company with effect from 2 October 2013.
Singaporeans to be hit by higher power bills
Tariffs up by 0.5% for next three months.
Asia can take a starring role in war against carbon
The world can no longer afford to be intimidated by the magnitude of the climate crisis, nor into believing that we must choose between economic prosperity and environmental security. Climate change presents one of the greatest challenges in human history, one that transcends national boundaries, income, ideology, ethnicity. But these challenges should be viewed as economic opportunities.
GE moves machines to the cloud
Find out more about the industrial internet platform built for unique scale of industrial data.
Distribution Automation Solutions – An approach to increase availability in distribution networks
A major requirement on electricity supply systems is high supply reliability for the customer – which is mainly determined by the distribution networks. Supply reliability is influenced by various technical and organizational factors, and typically quantified using criteria such as SAIDI and SAIFI.
Kawa Capital Management acquires Conergy
Large-scale solar power plants to get more funding.
Here's what could really help ASEAN's drive for efficient energy use
ASEAN countries have some way to go in using energy efficiently. This despite the region’s energy intensity - the amount of energy used to produce each dollar of gross domestic product (GDP) – declining steadily over the years.
Singapore’s wholesale electricity market prices set to fall
Singapore’s highly developed economy is widely considered to be one of the most dynamic and successful in the world. It acts as a regional hub for shipping and petroleum refining and hosts successful export industries in petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and high-value technology, which have attracted significant global investment.
Singaporean, Thai firm investing in RE throughout Asia
Initial investments in solar photovoltaic and biogas power.
Sembcorp building new waste-to-energy plant in Singapore
Over S$250 million to invested in facility on Jurong Island.
Can green technology really save the planet?
For more than 10 000 years the climate and CO2 concentration has been very stable, but now we humans are pushing it to a dangerous level.
What you must know about ABB's Symphony Plus
Orders were just acquired.
What you need to know about Energy Economics - Part 2
Exploring journals, internet, and news, you would find enormous literature and hot discussion over energy issues. Many of the articles and comments are based on economic theories. In this article we are going to criticize some aspects and presumptions of standard economic theories.