What you need to know about Energy Economics - Part 1
What you need to know about Energy Economics - Part 1
In our practice, executive classrooms and group interventions, and when talking Energy and Energy transition- I focus a lot on three important elements for the realization of successful energy (transition) programs :
Siemens unveils DCIM Solution product
Two of Siemens' powerhouse features merged.
What hydropower ranking can do for generation expansion
Mobilization of financing for power sector infrastructure development must be founded on a sound basis of technical, environmental, social, economic and financial principles. In Asia, when considering hydropower development as a key element of the generation expansion, it is extremely important to perform a comprehensive ranking of available projects to select those that can be developed according to industry best practices.
Symphony Plus: Meeting the challenge
ABB continues to strengthen the Symphony Plus platform with features and functionalities that meet the needs of a varied and changing power and water market.
Perkins enters China gas engine market
The industry giant forays into the Mainland with the introduction of the turbocharged 6-cylinder 4006-23TRS gas engine.
Singapore’s 1st LNG plant becomes operational in Q4
Is majority owned by the Philippines’ largest power distributor.
Exploring the perfect market for energy and energy transition in Asia (Part 3)
A free market where the present lowest cost fuel solution wins. per se and per definition.
Alstom Grid acquires smart substation provider ASAT Solutions
Last December Alstom Grid announced it had acquired Canadian Smart Grid technology company ASAT Solutions - a strategic move to offer integrated substation data management solutions for utilities and industrial customers worldwide.
Siemens launches new protection devices for high and medium voltage
Modularity of hardware and software to meet the changing and individual requirements of modern grids during the whole life cycle
Singapore energy efficiency measures for industry take effect
Mandatory energy management requirements are for large industrial companies.
How to get the 'right mix' of power generation in Asia
Demand for electricity today is growing faster than production.
Here's the latest in the world of sustainable innovation
15 European cities will divulge their experiences.
Loh Khum Yean is new EMA chairman
Took over yesterday as boss of the Energy Market Authority.
Singapore takes delivery of first LNG shipment
LNG delivery broadens diversity in Singapore’s energy supplies.
Exploring the perfect market for energy and energy transition in Asia (Part 2)
Doing nothing is not an option.
Exploring the perfect market for energy and energy transition in Asia (Part 1)
Discussions and dialogues between peers and professionals, at times, centre around the question:
Concept for “Three Articles in One” on our Energy Market: Transition, Merit Order, Tipping Point (Part 3)
A free market where the present lowest cost fuel solution wins. per se and per definition.