, Singapore

EMA highlights four areas in improving SG's sustainable power sector

These are the natural gas, solar, regional power grids, and low-carbon alternatives.

Singapore is currently transitioning towards a more sustainable future and it focuses on the four supply switches for power sector decarbonisation, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) revealed.

These are the natural gas, solar, regional power grids, and low-carbon alternatives. EMA said that 40% of carbon emissions come from these four.

In terms of natural gas, this will continue to be a dominant field for Singapore’s electricity generator. 

Solar, meanwhile, is seen as the most promising source, with over 500 megawatt (MW)-peak of solar installed. This is on track to 2030’s goal of at least 2 gigawatt (GW)-peak by 2030. At least 200 MW of energy storage systems are also planned to be implemented beyond 2025. 

Even with this goal, EMA believes that this will only compose around 3% of the country’s total electricity demand in 2030.

Regional power grids are expected to accelerate the development of renewable energy projects in the region.

Up to 4 GW of low-carbon electricity by 2035 is expected to make up around 30% of Singapore’s electricity supply. This will be done through a Request for Proposal process.

EMA will also partner with various partners on electricity import trials. These include 100 MW of electricity from Peninsula Malaysia, and a pilot to import 100 MW of solar-generated electricity from Pulau Bulan, Indonesia. Singapore is also currently a member of the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project.

Emerging low-carbon technologies such as hydrogen and carbon capture are also being focused on by the corporation. Investing in research and development through the Low-Carbon Energy Research Funding Initiative to improve the technical and economic viability of low-carbon technologies. 

EMA is also closely working with Nanyang Technological University, along with other ministries and agencies, to conduct studies to determine the geothermal resource potential in Singapore. 

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