PGCIL gets board approval for Rs 3488 cr investments
In its recently held meeting, the board of directors of the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
(PGCIL) has approved investment proposals of an aggregate value of Rs 3,487.91 crore.
8Of this total, common system associated with East Coast Energy Private Limited and NCC Power Projects Limited
long term open access (LTOA) Generation Projects in Srikakulam area - part A will account for Rs 1,909.24. The
project has a commissioning schedule of 21 months.
8System strengthening - XVIII in southern regional grid will account for Rs 1263.26 crore with a commissioning
schedule of 29 months from the date of investment approval while fibre optic communication system for central
sector sub-stations and generating stations in southern region has an estimated cost of Rs 174.16 crore with a
commissioning schedule of 30 months.
8Another Rs 75.74 crore is accounted for by line bays and reactor at the power grid substation for
Raichur-Sholapur transmission line, which will synchronize the interconnection between the southern region and
the western region.
8Finally, the cost of augmentation of transformer and bays in the western region stands at Rs 65.51 crore with
a commissioning schedule of 24 months.