Nepali industries to promote renewable energy
Confederation of Nepali Industries and Alternative Energy Promotion Centre have signed an MoU to promote renewable energy.
"The two institutions´ services will focus on rural areas with the objective of enhancing energy access and employment while reducing poverty through public private partnership to foster growth of industrial sector," said Binod Chaudhary, president of the CNI.
Chaudhary and Krishna Gayawali, secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations.
The two groups have agreed to enter into an institutional collaboration for implementation of renewable and alternative energy technologies along with promotion and development of renewable energy in the country. The MoU envisions certain terms and principles that guide, coordinate, lobby and harmonize the relationship and work on a private-public partnership modality for alternate energy promotion.
The CNI and AEPC have also agreed to work with community based organizations, private sector, non-governmental organizations and other institutions for maintaining energy systems at affordable level, meeting basic quality standards, and maximizing use of energy for income generation activities.
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