India registers 104% electricity generation in April
India's electricity generation forApril shows an impressive generation of 74,725.25 MU, which is 104.02% based on its programme targets of 71,838 MU.
The Central Electricity Authority's report shows that the thermal sector has exceeded its target level for the month by 5.03% with a generation figure at 63,674.63 MU.
On the contrary, the other sectors-- hydro, nuclear and energy imports from Bhutan registered an achievement of 96.10%, 107.46% and 86.30%, respectively.
As far as a central, state and private sector-wise break-up is concerned, the central sector performed the best during last month with an achievement of 105.12%, against a target of 28,810 MU.
The state sector generated 30233 MU, which is an achievement of 99.43% against the target levels whereas the private sector contributed the minimum, with 14002.77 MU generated during the month, with an achievement level of 113.06%.