Napocor identifies possible nuclear facility sites
Napocor has identified potential sites to host a nuclear power facility. These sites include: Bataan, Batangas, Quezon, Negros Occidental, Palawan, Cagayan, Cavite, Negros Oriental, Zamboanga del Norte and Sarangani.
The candidate sites for the first nuclear power plant in Luzon will be in Mapalan Point in Morong, Bataan; San Juan, Batangas; Padre Burgos, Quezon; Port Irene/Matara Point and Rakat Hill in Cagayan.
For Visayas, the possible sites to host the first nuclear facility in the country are Tagbarungis, Inagauwan in southwest Puerto Prinsesa and Concepcion, Tanabag in northeast Puerto Princesa; Cansilan Point, Bayawan in Negros Oriental and Baluangan, Cawayan, Negros Oriental.
In Mindanao, the government has identfied Piacan Point in Siocon Zamboanga del Norte; Cauit Point in Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte and General Santos, Sarangani.
It was earlier proposed that a smaller unit of a nuclear power plant would be ideal for the Philippines especially since it has been subject to many safety and environmental issues.
Napocor president Froilan Tampinco had said Kepco and a French power firm have signified readiness to submit their respective proposals to construct a 600 to 800 megawatt MW nuclear facility in Bataan.
The Philippines is planning to start up its first 600-MW nuclear power plant by 2025. According to Tampinco, putting up a new nuclear facility may take 10 years, while the proposed rehabilitation of BNPP can be made in five years time.