First units of Laxiwa Hydropower ready for startup
Experts that conducted inspection and supervision on the first units of Laxiwa Hydropower Station considered it ready for startup.
The team of experts, which came from the National Power Projects Quality Supervision Office, conducted pre-startup quality supervision, site inspection and periodical quality supervision on units.
Boasting of the largest installed capacity, tallest dam, highest outgoing voltage, lowest construction cost per kilowatt, and good economic profits in the Yellow River Basin, the Laxiwa Hydropower Station began storing water on 1 March 2009.
Located in Guide county, Qinghai province, the Laxiwa Hydropower Station is a key source of power supply in the national west-to-east power transmission channel with a total installed capacity of 4200MW and a designed annual average electricity generation of 10.223 TWh. It has a complete quality management system and normal system operation.