CEM installs Phase 1 of segregation alarm system
Macau’s CEM can now monitor all its 960 units of 11,000/400V transformers on a 24-hour basis following the installation of its alarm system.
The system detects abnormal situations in any transformer such as excessive temperature. It can in real-time send an alarm to the System Dispatch Center to assess the situation and send staff to the spot to investigate and rectify the incident so as to avoid any blackout in the area. In addition, the alarm system can also monitor the conditions of the transformers, such as the indoor temperature. The System Dispatch Center will collect the relevant information for further analysis.
The segregation alarm system allows effective forecasting of the attrition rate of transformers so as to extend the service life of transformers and control the costs due to replacements. Also, by carrying out long-term monitoring of the operational parameters of the facilities, it is more effective and economical for the company to carry out periodical maintenance and inspection of facilities. Under unpredictable cases, this type of long-term monitoring can help to identify unexpected situations and in advance send an alert to the system for problem solving, without affecting the normal performance of the power network.
The CEM or Companhia de Electricidade de Macau brought in the set of transformer segregation alarm system in February 2008 and has worked for a year to install the first phase.