, Australia
Source: Miguel A Padrinan (Pexels)

New rules for grid connection needed in Australia: Clean Energy Council

This is to give renewable energy investors certainty in connecting to the grid.  

The Clean Energy Council proposed a rule change to increase certainty amongst renewable energy and storage investors and developers in connecting to the grid. 

The proposal will support faster connection and ultimately, lower prices and improve power supply. 

“Every Australian has a stake in getting this right and helping bring clean, affordable new power generation to the grid efficiently,” Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton said.

“Currently, some generators have faced open-ended delays to connection and unmanageable risks, creating a culture of uncertainty for renewable investors.”

Read more: Australia’s gas usage to drop to 34% by 2030

The proposal particularly addresses costly delays and complexity that have affected a number of projects connecting to the grid. 

The Council added that whilst the Australian Energy Market Operator and Network Service Providers have worked constructively with industry to address these issues, further changes are needed to lock these improved practices into the energy rules provide everyone greater certainty and clarity.


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