
Philippines remains coal dependent

Produces 38.8% of the country’s electricity.

What you don't know about the Ring of Fire

Bandung 1955, the Non-Aligned Movement, Sukarno, Nehru, Tito, Nasser, etc. – like leaves from a sepia photo album faded as time moved on.  Yet in the interconnected global economy where international investments and financing routinely ignores borders, is there room to dust off the “South-South” paradigm for energy development?  Especially in a sector such as renewable energy where the challenge and risk profiles are similar along a “South-South” axis, there may yet be some juice left in that old model.

Philippine government sees end to power crisis in Mindanao

Some 800 MW of additional to come on stream by 2017.

German solar power experts to assist Philippine projects

Delegation from seven German companies to visit Manila.

Philippine government approves US$127 million transmission projects

Will improve reliability of the national power grid.

Philippines gives nod to upgrade at vital hydropower plant

Boosts turbine capacity at Binga plant to 30 MW.

Meralco plans foreign bond sale to finance expansion

To boost power generation portfolio to 2,700 MW.