
Japanese companies establish nuclear group

Japanese companies establish nuclear group

 A consortium of 13 Japanese companies will establish the "International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan Co., Ltd." or JINED today.

Shutdown of Hamaoka nuclear power reactor extended

Chubu Electric Power extended the scheduled shutdown, beginning in late September, of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 5.

Chubu develops third mega-solar station

Chubu Electric will construct an 8 MW solar power station in Miho, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka City. The new station is scheduled for commencement of operation in FY2014, and its operation will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 4,000 metric tons per year.

ADB issues bonds for Asian clean energy

ADB will issue its inaugural Clean Energy Bond to support its clean energy projects in Asia and the Pacific.

Japan at par with US solar capacity

The SEPA-led fact-finding mission to Japan returned with a refreshed outlook on the US solar power market.

Chubu to construct solar facility at Iida

Chubu Electric has agreed to construct a mega-solar facility in cooperation with Iida City.

Japan earmarks $5.85M for carbon offsetting program

Japan will provide $5.85m in subsidies to 15 firms to undergo studies for emission-cutting projects overseas.

Japanese companies secure uranium purchase rights

Three Japanese companies have secured long-term uranium purchase rights with Uranium One or U1. The new agreement signed by Tokyo Electric Power Corporation, Toshiba and the Japan Bank for International Corporation also ends their investment in U1, a major Canadian-listed producer and marketer of uranium.

Japanese consortium prepares for new nuclear company

A consortium of six Japanese companies established a new office for a new nuclear company. Tentatively named "International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan," this new company will be engaged in the activities to establish proposals for nuclear power plants projects in the emerging countries.

Chubu creates electric-powered reactors

Chubu Electric has developed an explosion-proof electric-powered reactor for chemical and foodstuffs factories.

TEPCO bases wind research on Japan's environment

TEPCO will launch the "Experimental Study on Offshore Wind Power Generation Systems" in June.

Low carbon goals alter solar project plans

Yamanashi Prefecture and TEPCO agreed to move the inauguration schedule for the mega solar power generation project to January 2012.

Chubu to process MOX fuel in Britain

Chubu Electric Power will conduct MOX fuel processing at the Sellafield MOX Plant in Sellafield, England. This is based on an agreement concluded by Chubu Electric with Global Nuclear Fuel-Japan Co., Ltd. for the processing of MOX fuel from all plutonium recovered in Britain.

Monju nuclear reactor restarted

Japan's Monju fast-breeder reactor resumed operations last 6 May 2010 after 14 years and five months of suspension due to a sodium coolant leak and a resultant fire.

Areva's MOX fuel goes to Hokkaido plant

Areva will supply MOX fuel assemblies for unit 3 of the Tomari Nuclear Power Plant.

Chubu to construct Iida solar facility

A mega-solar power facility in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture will be constructed by Chubu Electric. This is made possible through the cooperation of Iida City Mayor Mitsuo Makino.

Omaezaki Wind's phase 1 commences operation

Chubu Electric is pushing ahead with development of the Omaezaki Wind Power Station in Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is the company's first commercial wind power facility. Positioning responses to global environmental issues is one of the company’s most important corporate agendas.