
Coal share in China’s power mix to decline in coming years: report

this is despite its reliance on coal, Fitch Solutions reported. 

Coal share in China’s power mix to decline in coming years: report

this is despite its reliance on coal, Fitch Solutions reported. 

China to sustain lead in renewables in the long term: report

This will mainly come from its solar power sector. 

Solar PV manufacturing in China to grow to over 230GW in 2026

This is more than enough to supply global market demand, Wood Mackenzie reported. 

China’s solar exports up by 64% in 2022: report

Exports amounted to US$52b, Wood Mackenzie reported. 

Fossil fuels dominate China despite ‘strong’ renewables growth: report

The market added over 100GWs of wind and solar annually in the last three years.

China’s wind power market to rebound in 2023: report

New grid-connected capacity declined by 21%YoY in 2022, Wood Mackenzie reported. 

China will remain as largest wind market: report

It will add 70GW to 80GW annually until 2030.

China to sustain lead in renewable equipment manufacturing

Companies in China are estimated to have a 50% share of the wind turbine market.

Sinopec calls for more CCUS projects in China

The company said this could significantly reduce emissions. 

China dominates global wind turbine orders in 2022

The market accounted for 70% of the order capacity during the year. 

China, Vietnam lead markets with most gas plant build-out: report

The gas capacity across the globe grew by 22% YoY in 2022. 

How China can control new coal power plant build-out

A report found local governments have permitted a combined 106GW of new coal power capacity.

Two new coal power plants get green light in China weekly: report

The local governments in the market approved a total of 106GWs of new capacity in 2022. 

Sinopec launches largest Green Hydrogen-Coal Chemical project in Inner Mongolia

The project is expected to “guarantee” China’s energy security. 

China drives global offshore wind installation in 2022

The country accounted for 29 out of the 42 offshore wind installations globally.

China holds lowest-cost renewable power in APAC

It overtakes India as China sees a 4% electricity cost decline in utility-scale solar.

China ranks 3rd amongst leading blue hydrogen market

It is behind the United States and Canada.