, Thailand

Less emissions sought at IRPC plant

IRPC will replace its fuel oil power plant with a 200-megawatt natural gas-fueled cogeneration plant. The plant in its petrochemical complex in Rayong province will be powered by six Frame 6B gas turbines supplied by GE Oil & Gas.

The project is planned to help improve the facility’s energy efficiency, reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and reduce air emissions in this industrial area.

The new CHP plant is expected to enable the Integrated Refinery and Petrochemical Complex to reduce its emissions by an estimated 400,000 tons of CO2 equivalents per year, making the project eligible for 400,000 "certified emissions reduction" credits that could be sold in the global carbon marketplace.

The move is part of a Clean Development Mechanism project, an international emissions-reduction initiative overseen by the United Nations.

A memorandum of understanding has been signed by IRPC with GE and General Carbon Pte. Ltd to seek project approval from the board that oversees the CDM program. If approved, IRPC would become the first company in the world to receive certified emissions reduction credits for reducing emissions after converting to a new energy technology that uses cleaner-burning natural gas.

Under the MOU, GCPL plans to develop the project design document and manage the CDM process through to registration with the CDM's executive board. GCPL also will facilitate the monetisation of the carbon credits for IRPC if the natural gas cogeneration plant is successfully registered.

"We are excited to join with GE Energy and Global Carbon to explore the potential benefits of this ‘first of its kind’ carbon credit project for our new CHP power plant. We are proud because it shows that going green is good for business. If successful, the carbon credits will be a bonus for our initiative to reduce our carbon footprint," said IRPC Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Pailin Chuchottarworn.

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