Renewables can provide 23% of Philippine energy by 2025

Its renewable energy target is 15.3GW by 2030.

Unlocking the Philippines’ full renewable energy potential can help it meet its growing energy demand, pursue low-carbon development and address climate change, according to IRENA’s new report Renewables Readiness Assessment: Philippines, which identifies key actions for the counry to accelerate renewable energy deployment.

“Like many countries in its region, the Philippines faces a growing population and rising enegy demand to power economic growth. The archipelago is also frequently exposed to tropical storms and natural disasters that affect its energy structure. At the same time, the more than seven- islands hold great renewable energy potential that includes solar, wind, hydro, bioenergy, and geothermal resources. Renewable energy can play a key role in helping the country achieve greater energy security and address these challenges,” said IRENA Director-General Adnan Z. Amin.

“The Philippines has been exploring a variety of options to build an energy independent future supplied by sustainable, stable, secure, sufficient, accessible and reasonably-priced energy sources. In pursuit of this ultimate goal, the Philippines has stepped up its efforts in promoting the deployment of indigenous renewables energy over the past few years,” said Alfonso G. Cusi, the Philippines’ Secretary of Energy.

In 2011 the Philippines set an ambitious renewable energy target of 15.3 gigawatts by 2030 — a near tripling of 2010’s 5,438 megawatts. Additionally, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of which the Philippines is a member, set a regional renewable energy target of 23 per cent by 2025.

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Avaada meningkatkan beban energi terbarukan untuk penuhi permintaan pusat data India

Perusahaan menargetkan kapasitas energi terbarukan sebesar 30 gigawatt pada 2030.

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Laba bersih Adaro turun 12% menjadi $880 juta di Semester 1

Pendapatan turun 15% menjadi $2,97 miliar pada periode tersebut.

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Kemitraan ini akan dijalankan oleh anak perusahaan mereka.

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