, China

China boosts new wind power capacity in 2015 to 30.8 GW

The highest annual number ever for a nation.

For the seventh year in a row, Asia was the world’s largest regional market for new wind power development, with capacity additions totaling nearly 33.9 GW.

According to a research note from the Global Wind Energy Council, in terms of annual installations China maintained its leadership position. China added 30.8 GW of new capacity in 2015, once again the highest annual number for any country ever. This is almost twice the 2013 figure, when China installed 16 GW of new capacity.

In 2012, wind-generated electricity in China was just over a 100 TWh, accounting for 2% of the country's total electricity output. Wind provided almost 135 TWh of electricity in 2013, contributing 2.6% of the country's total electricity generation. Total wind power generation reached over 153 TWh in 2014, 2.78% of total electricity generation.

Here's more from the Global Wind Energy Council:

The Chinese wind market almost doubled its capacity from 75 GW in 2012 to reach 145 GW by the end of 2015, reinforcing China’s lead in terms of cumulative installed wind power capacity.

All observers continue to be surprised by the astonishing track record for growth of the wind sector in China over the last decade. The current pace of growth in the Chinese wind power market may see a slowdown in 2017. However, we have often been positively surprised when time and again China’s installation figures surpass expectations.

Curtailment on wind farms in China worsened in 2015, as grid companies kept almost 34 billion kWh from being delivered to the grid. According to the National Energy Administration (NEA), the country wasted 15% of wind power generated in 2015.

On-going curtailment of electricity generation is a challenge for wind power projects. However, the NEA and State Grid are working to solve the transmission bottlenecks and other grid issues, and the situation is expected to improve.

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