, Taiwan

TEPCO's 3rd Taiwan IPP proj starts commercial operation

The Star Buck Thermal Power Station, one of the 2005 Taiwanese government IPP projects for which Taiwan Cogeneration successfully acquired the bidding rights, has commenced operations.

Construction for this gas-combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 490MW took place from March 2007 in the Changhua Province, located in the central part of Taiwan. It is a project of the Star Buck Power Corporation, established in August 2006 by the Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc., Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation and other shareholders.

As TEPCO's third Taiwanese IPP project, the company has dispatched its engineers to the Star Buck Power Corporation to support construction and trial operations. Even after the power station's commercial operations are well underway, a TEPCO engineer will remain to support the plant's operations and maintenance.

Besides this project, TEPCO has been participating in other overseas power generation projects and providing related consulting service by using the know-how and technology acquired through electricity business.

All electricity generated is to be sold to the Taiwan Power Company, a governmental-affiliated company, for a contractual 25-year period.

A TEPCO statement emphasized that it will continue to focus in expanding its overseas business operations in order to sustain further growth and advancement for both its clients and the whole TEPCO group, in addition to supporting developing countries through the transfer of technology related to the electricity business.

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