, Philippines

Philippines' first utility scale solar power plant comes online

First phase has entered commercial operation.

According to a release, the Philippines first utility scale solar PV power project was inaugurated by President Benigno Simeon Aquino III at a ceremony on Thursday May 15, 2014. 

The first phase of 13MWDC has now entered commercial operation with the second phase of 9MWDC expected to enter commercial operation within the next 5 weeks. 

The project is officially known as San Carlos Solar Energy however this is usually shortened to SaCaSol. The project was financed by ThomasLloyd Group and developed by local partner Bronzeoak Philippines. 

The Employer’s Representative was the OWL Group, the Offshore Contractor was Conergy, the Electrical Onshore Contractor was Schema Konsult and civil contractor was SJRI. 

The project will be the first renewable energy project to qualify for the Philippines Feed-In-Tariff, which for solar is currently capped at 50MW although there is expectation in the industry that this will be increased to 500MW albeit with a completion date requirement of March 2015. 

The combination of ThomasLloyd, Bronzeoak and OWL are also constructing a 20MW biomass power project within walking distance from SaCaSol. 

OWL is also consulting on solar projects in other locations throughout the Philippines, which are a combination of bilateral and FIT based. 

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