, China

CEM shares diesels knowhow with Timor delegate

CEM shared its experience on the application of diesel engines burning heavy fuel oil to Timor-Leste Parliament Committee delegates.

Presentation, facility tour and group discussions were accorded by the Companhia de Electricidade de Macau to the 11 delegates headed by Pedro Martires da Costa, President of the Infrastructure Committee. The delegation was accompanied by Rita Botelho dos Santos, Director of Government of the Macau SAR Supporting Office to the Permanent Secretariat to the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries (GFCE). The delegation was warmly received by CEM Executive Director João Travassos da Costa, Generation Department Senior Manager Ip Kam Veng and Special Projects Senior Manager Peres Diniz.

With the current decreasing fuel price, CEM’s diesel unit generators are running at their full capacity.

CEM is equipped with a total six low-speed diesel units installed in its Coloane A Power Station. The total installed capacity of 271 MW accounted for over 50 percent of local generation. These generators are equipped with the most advanced gas emissions reduction system using the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology and are fully complied with international environmental standards.

By having the option of local generation, CEM has the flexibility to choose from its diversified energy sources mix from fuel oil, natural gas to importation to select the most economical option to maintain low tariffs.

Jaringan listrik lemah Vietnam menghambat kebijakan pembelian listrik yang langsung

Infrastruktur energi yang buruk menghambat integrasi kapasitas baru dari proyek energi terbarukan (EBT).

Penutupan pembangkit listrik batu bara baru di ASEAN pada 2040 mungkin tercapai

Penambahan pembangkit batu bara baru dan retrofit pembangkit yang ada menjadi risiko lebih besar dalam transisi.

ADB menyetujui pinjaman senilai $500 juta untuk mendukung transisi energi Indonesia

Ini bertujuan membangun kerangka kebijakan yang kokoh dalam mendukung peralihan menuju energi bersih.

Avaada meningkatkan beban energi terbarukan untuk penuhi permintaan pusat data India

Perusahaan menargetkan kapasitas energi terbarukan sebesar 30 gigawatt pada 2030.

Asia-Pasifik mungkin tidak mencapai target energi terbarukan

Negara-negara di kawasan itu harus menarik investasi untuk memajukan tujuan energi bersih mereka.

Laba bersih Adaro turun 12% menjadi $880 juta di Semester 1

Pendapatan turun 15% menjadi $2,97 miliar pada periode tersebut.

ACEN dan Barito Renewables bermitra untuk mempercepat energi angin di Indonesia

Kemitraan ini akan dijalankan oleh anak perusahaan mereka.

Malaysia diminta mengintegrasikan jaringan listrik untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan tenaga surya

Pembatasan penetrasi tenaga surya ke jaringan pada 24% dari permintaan puncak dapat menghambat ekspansi.