, Japan
Photo by Catalin M via Pexels

Japan detects water leak at Fukishima nuclear plant

This involves 25 tonnes of radioactive water leak.

Investigation is currently ongoing after the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) reported a water leakage at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

In a statement, the IAEA said it was informed about the incident on 9 August. The leak involves an estimated 25 tonness of water from the spent fuel cooling system pump room and the heat exchanger room.

This flowed into the drain on the floor connected to the water collection pit located in a room of the first basement floor. TEPCO has not found any leakage spread to other rooms, the agency said.

“As precautionary measure, TEPCO stopped the spent fuel primary cooling pump in order to investigate the cause and evaluated the temperature level at the pool. TEPCO confirmed that the temperature is within normal range and not above around 46 degrees celsius,” IAEA said, noting that this  is below the 65 degrees celsius limitation of operation. 

Authorities said the leakage had stopped, and that the leaked water was accumulated in the first basement floor as stagnant water. The level of water was lower than the sub-drain water level around the building, which means the leaked water remained inside the building. 

The leaked water will be treated through TEPCO’s water treatment facilities.

“TEPCO continues to monitor Unit 2 spent fuel pool and water level, and will make an investigation into the leakage and the future countermeasure to decide the repairing plan utilising a remote control robot,” IAEA said.

The agency noted this incident is not related to the Advanced Liquid Processing System treated water discharge. IAEA said it was also not informed about any breach of the radiation protection standards.

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