, Australia
Photo from AGL website.

AGL expands green hydrogen study in Hunter Energy hub

Fortescue Future Industries will provide green hydrogen for the project.

AGL Energy entered additional partnerships to expand the development of a 2-gigawatt green hydrogen and ammonia production facility at its Hunter Energy Hub.

In a statement, the company said GHD Advisory, an independent technical consultancy, is carrying out the study for the company as the hub provider, whilst Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) serves as the exclusive green hydrogen producer at the site.

“The feasibility scope will focus on assessing the accelerated implementation of a large-scale production facility from minimum 150MW and up to 2GW of hydrogen and preferred derivatives including ammonia for export and domestic use,” said AGL COO Markus Brokhof.

“Our Hunter Energy Hub will be the first of its kind in Australia and will be an example of how an energy hub can combine grid-scale batteries, solar thermal storage, wind and pumped hydro.  It will be an industry-leading model for our other large generation sites and others across the country,” he added.

READ MORE: AGL-led consortium to study green hydrogen energy hub dev’t at Torrens Island

Brokhof said the study, which outlines key operational and commercial plans and project timeline, will also include testing critical inputs including renewable energy costs, firming requirements, electrolyser capital costs, logistics, and utilisation.

He added that Liddell and Bayswater will benefit from the “unique energy infrastructure.”

Australian energy infrastructure firm APA Group, energy exploration and production company INPEX CORPORATION, owner and operator of energy infrastructure assets Jemena, and Osaka Gas Co Ltd wholly-owned subsidiary Osaka Gas Australia have signed memorandums of understanding to partner with the project.


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