, Philippines

German Firms Offer Biomass Technologies

At least eight German companies are currently in the country exploring various investment opportunities that

could make use of their technology offers on biomass and biogas project developments.

These are Vastani GmBH; Eckrohrkessel GmBH; Envitec Biogas AG; GTP Solutions GmBH; Binder GmBH; Ascentec GmBH;

Novis GmBH; and Pregobello GmBH.

According to GIZ program manager Volker Steigerwald, “forging of partnerships are ongoing” between these German

technology providers and the Filipino companies which are taking their plunge into biomass and biogas ventures.

He stressed that the German firms showcase the latest developments in the technology front when it comes to

renewable energy, primarily those relating to biomass projects.

The visit of the biomass technology firms is in line with the “Renewables – Made in Germany” mission which is

being supported by GIZ and the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

Aside from the information exchange which was highlighted during a business forum at the New World Hotel in

Makati, the German firms will also be undertaking field visits to biomass-rich areas, such as those in Central


According to GIZ consultant Werner Siemers, the need for countries to explore alternative energy sources,

including biomass, has been triggered by rising fuel prices as well as the raging global issue of climate

change impacts.

He said the Philippines is well-placed when it comes to pursuing its biomass and biogas potential because even

feedstock concerns could have a real potential on the solution front.

“The country has an abundance of agricultural residues which can be used for bioenergy such as sugarcane, rice

hulls, coconut husks and farm residue materials which remain underutilized,” Siemers stressed.

Nevertheless, from the presentation given by the Philippine Department of Energy (DOE), the country’s prospects

on biomass energy developments are still way below target.

It was emphasized that out of the 27 contracts already signed for this technology, the total capacities would

only hover at 186 megawatts.

Of these, 120MW are already existing projects, which implies then that only 66MW may come in for the targeted

next round of installations that will be underpinned by the feed-in-tariffs (FITs) approved by the Energy

Regulatory Commission. The DOE noted that technology application remains a challenge for biomass developments

in the Philippines; and these are coupled by concerns on the sustainability of feedstocks.





Jaringan listrik lemah Vietnam menghambat kebijakan pembelian listrik yang langsung

Infrastruktur energi yang buruk menghambat integrasi kapasitas baru dari proyek energi terbarukan (EBT).

Penutupan pembangkit listrik batu bara baru di ASEAN pada 2040 mungkin tercapai

Penambahan pembangkit batu bara baru dan retrofit pembangkit yang ada menjadi risiko lebih besar dalam transisi.

ADB menyetujui pinjaman senilai $500 juta untuk mendukung transisi energi Indonesia

Ini bertujuan membangun kerangka kebijakan yang kokoh dalam mendukung peralihan menuju energi bersih.

Avaada meningkatkan beban energi terbarukan untuk penuhi permintaan pusat data India

Perusahaan menargetkan kapasitas energi terbarukan sebesar 30 gigawatt pada 2030.

Asia-Pasifik mungkin tidak mencapai target energi terbarukan

Negara-negara di kawasan itu harus menarik investasi untuk memajukan tujuan energi bersih mereka.

Laba bersih Adaro turun 12% menjadi $880 juta di Semester 1

Pendapatan turun 15% menjadi $2,97 miliar pada periode tersebut.

ACEN dan Barito Renewables bermitra untuk mempercepat energi angin di Indonesia

Kemitraan ini akan dijalankan oleh anak perusahaan mereka.

Malaysia diminta mengintegrasikan jaringan listrik untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan tenaga surya

Pembatasan penetrasi tenaga surya ke jaringan pada 24% dari permintaan puncak dapat menghambat ekspansi.