, Philippines

Meralco supply targeted for 500MW Philippine coal-fired unit

Quezon Power Philippines Ltd. is trying to close an off-take power supply agreement with Meralco for the 500-megawatt expansion of its coal-fired power plant in Mauban.

This was disclosed to reporters by Quezon Power managing director Frank Thiel.

The company executive has indicated that they are willing to back that up with a partnership arrangement in the project’s corporate vehicle.

He indicated that since Meralco historically sounded off intent to gain majority ownership in power projects in which it would be involved in, Thiel noted that they are willing to offer that as a “leverage” to the utility firm.

He noted that the facility’s expansion has already been granted an environmental compliance certificate by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and that the plant’s existence in Mauban is already well-received by its host community.

Additionally, he stressed that since the expansion will already share some of the facilities of the first 460MW unit, they would be able to offer competitive rates to Meralco.

“We have the ECC already, we have the land, we have the transmission line and the sharing of facilities with the first unit will give us very competitive rates in terms of power prices,” Thiel has reiterated.

For more.

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