CPI eclipses industry averages
Both the production and sales volume of CPI’s electricity, coal and aluminum businesses achieved faster growth than industry average.
This is based on a summary report of CPI’s work in the first half of 2010, which presented during the CPI 2010 Mid-term Meeting.
CPI generated 144.8TWh of electricity, up 23.27 percent year-on-year. It also produced 26.57 million tons of coal and sold 27.95 million tons sold, up 41.36 percent and 44.71 percent year-on-year respectively. Lastly, it produced 855,700 tons of aluminum and sold 650,700 tons sold, up 76.58 percent and 21.63 percent year-on-year respectively.
By the end of June, CPI had controllable installed capacity of 62.7GW, coal production capacity of 50.15 million tons, and aluminum of 1.755 million tons, up 13.85 percent, 16.09 percent and 57.4 percent respectively.