, Singapore

Singapore to house a new full-service photovoltaic facility

Located in Tuas, the Heraeus Asia Center will specialise in a full suite of end-to-end services driven by the Photovoltaics Business Unit.

In a release, Heraeus, manufacturer of solar photovoltaic metallisation pastes, announced the establishment of its regional research and manufacturing facility in Singapore. Located in Tuas, the Heraeus Asia Center will specialise in a full suite of end-to-end services driven by the Photovoltaics Business Unit, comprising research and development, sales and technical services, to support the fast-growing Asia Pacific demand for solar cell products.

The increased manufacturing capacity out of Singapore will also bolster future market growth globally, alongside the company’s three other regional facilities in China, Germany and the United States.

The establishment of Heraeus’ new Asia Center in Singapore will bring close proximity of its services to more customers in the region, ensure quick responsiveness to meet their needs and help bring customers’ products to market more quickly and cost-effectively. This latest addition to the global Heraeus network is expected to bring a new dimension in high-value manufacturing to Singapore.

The Heraeus Asia Center will be capable of producing by 2014 enough silver paste for cell output of 20 Gigawatts of Power – a significant goal. Key to this new facility is that it will also house a dedicated R&D department based in Singapore, adding to the continued work of a global R&D team and Heraeus’ track record of releasing at least three to four new products a year in multiple cell technology areas. 

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