, Thailand

Massive solar farm to rise in Thailand

Natural Energy Development Company will construct the world's largest solar farm in Thailand with 73MW.

Located in Lopburi Province in central Thailand, 150 kilometres north of Bangkok, the solar plant will feature the innovative use of over 540,000 high-grade, thin-film solar panels. The project is expected to commence operation by 2011.

NED is a joint venture between China Light and Power (CLP), Diamond Generating Asia, Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, and Electricity Generating Public Company Limited.

The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand has committed to purchase all of the electricity generated by the plant. The power supply generated by the plant is expected to cut carbon dioxide emission by approximately 1.3 million tonnes over its projected 25-year operation.

“The joint venture effort is an example of the initiatives that CLP is implementing in order to fulfill the Group’s commitment to its Climate Vision 2050 manifesto, which pledges to cut the carbon intensity of our power generation portfolio by 75 percent by 2050, with intermediate goals. The Thai solar project is a clear indication of CLP’s leadership in the regional power sector, as well as our commitment to renewable energy and viable solar power solutions as key components of our power portfolio,” said Mr. Andrew Brandler, CEO of CLP.

The total investment in the project is approximately US$250 million. Asian Development Bank will loan up to US$70 million to NED to build the plant. Other lending financial institutions include Kasikorn Bank PCL, Bangkok Bank PCL and Siam Commercial Bank PCL, with Kasikorn Bank PCL and Bualuang Securities PCL as the financial advisors.

The company has recently signed the construction and supply contract with Sharp Corporation, Italian Thai Development PCL and Italthai Engineering CL in Osaka, Japan.

“Success came from cooperation of Thai and foreign participants, including a Japanese solar panel manufacturer, a local contractor and local and foreign financial institutions. The project would also help build strong confidence among foreign investors in Thailand,” said Managing Director of NED, Mr. Woramol Khamkanist.

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