, Thailand

Investment opportunities in Thailand to be showcased in Clean Power Asia 2011

Dr. Twarath Sutabutr will be part of the panel of speakers in 28-30 June.

“Thailand is committed to the low-carbon pathway”, says Dr. Twarath Sutabutr, Deputy Director-General, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, in Thailand’s Ministry of Energy. Dr Sutabutr heads up a high-level and expert list of energy speakers at the upcoming Clean Power Asia conference and expo in Bangkok, from 28-30 June.
With regards to investment opportunities in Thailand, the country’s ministry of Energy says alternative energy resources provide a practical link between the country’s agricultural competitive advantages and its domestic energy needs. Dr. Sutabutr explains: "Thailand is committed to the Low-Carbon pathway, as stated in the new National Economic and Social Development Plan (11th plan), due to the fact that Thailand is a net-importer of fossil fuels. The only way to be independent from the importation is to go along the "Green and Clean Energy" corridor, including Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency and maybe Nuclear Energy."

Clean Power Asia will be a unique meeting of power industry experts focusing on both renewable and cleaner fossil power. It will also give Thailand the opportunity to showcase its green track record and showcase the many investment opportunities the renewable energy industry offers.
Thailand’s ministry of Energy and the local utilities, EGAT and PEA ENCOM, are officially supporting Clean Power Asia, during which some 300 delegates will hear from power experts from more than 14 countries in the region who will report back on renewable and cleaner fossil power projects including from Thailand, Singapore, Korea, China, the Philippines, India, Australia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, India, Pakistan and Iran.

Thailand's current steps towards the Clean Energy pathway
The two site visits on the programme of Clean Power Asia will offer delegates the rare opportunity to explore two of the most prominent solar power projects in Thailand, namely the Ned Project, which is the world’s largest silicon thin-film solar farm, and the BCP solar power project.
Renewable investment opportunities in Thailand include:
Ethanol: The Energy Ministry has already short listed 15 local biomass power plants for foreign company investment, under the United Nations’ Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol.

Solar Cells: Thailand continues to make significant strides in solar generated electric capacity. Currently, much of Thailand’s solar-panels are made for export, but solar energy development now also offers great potential for filling a domestic energy demand, particularly in remote rural and mountainous regions.

Wind Power: The Thai government offers subsidies for electricity produced by wind power. In a recent example of this technology’s potential, a tapioca flour processing plant, eliminated the 8,000 liters/day of fuel oil formerly used in the production process, and cut 40% in production costs.

Biodiesel: The government has a target of 4.25 million litres/day of biodiesel, for a 7% consumption substitute of diesel by the year 2011. Palm oil, one of the most readily available inputs for biodiesel production can be found in abundant quantities in Thailand. 

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